Category Archives: Skin Care Tips

  • What is Rosacea and How Can I Treat It?

    07 Juillet 2014

    According to the National Rosacea Society, the skin condition is described as “a chronic and potentially life-disruptive disorder primarily of the facial skin, often characterized by flare-ups and remissions”. Around 14 million people in the U.S. have rosacea, with the disease being most common in fair-skinned women between the ages of 30 and 60. For those suffering from rosacea, here are a few ways you can treat it.

    • Use-green hued makeup. Concealers and foundations with green tones and colorings can help to reduce the appearance of redness. Make sure the product is safe for sensitive skin before applying.
    • Always apply sunscreen- even in winter. Any season or weather conditions can cause flare-ups for those suffering from rosacea, so you should always be applying a high SPF on your face. This prevents your skin conditions from getting worse and helps prevent skin cancer and signs of aging as well.
    • Avoid certain lifestyle and environmental factors that may aggravate the rosacea. For some, drinking alcohol, eating spicy foods or spending time in certain weather conditions can make their rosacea worse. Finding out which factors do this and avoiding them is a simple lifestyle change you can make.
    • Use products made specifically for sensitive skin/skin with rosacea. There are many popular brands of makeup and skincare that have been tested and approved to not irritate the skin of those with the condition. Read all labels and packaging to find these facts.
    • Visit your doctor so they can prescribe a topical treatment or oral antibiotics. Sometimes rosacea has to be treated with medical prescribed by your doctor. It’s always best to get a doctor’s opinion before starting any new form of treatment.
  • 3 Anti-Wrinkle Skin Care Tips

    18 Juin 2014

    Searching for the fountain of youth is always a goal for those who wish to maintain youthful, radiant skin. If you research the topic online, there is an abundance of solutions ranging from kitchen home remedies to skin care products. But how do you know what acquires results? Japanese luxury skin care lines are one way to attain this goal. For there are products within the line addressing the tricks of the trade ensuring you are on the right path to unveiling

  • The Secret to Easy Skin Care

    18 Juin 2014

    Between working, running the kids to and from school, car pooling, attending team practices, making dinner, checking homework, and managing household duties, you are left with no time to breathe. It becomes a chore to squeeze in time to take care of yourself. However, what about your skin? Are you taking care of it on a daily basis? Do not brush off the importance of proper skin care. It is vital to your overall health. Our Japanese luxury skin care line solves

  • What is a Serum?

    14 Mai 2014

    With the large variety of skincare products on the market, it can become a bit confusing to keep track of which is which. One of these mystery products is a serum. So what exactly is a serum you ask? Here’s an easy-to-understand lowdown.

    A serum can be defined as a thick, highly-concentrated moisturizer with active ingredients to help penetrate the skin quicker and faster than typical skincare products.

    Serums are hyper-concentrated potions, which helps them to really penetrate the skin for immediate results. The fact that they are highly concentrated helps to set them apart from moisturizer. They also contain what typical moisturizers have plus many added nutrients. These nutrients and other wonder ingredients help to penetrate the deepest layers of the skin, reaching areas that a regular moisturizer can’t.

    There are a variety of types of serums on the market, including anti-aging serums, brightening serums, acne preventing serums, skin firming serums and more. Serums should be applied after your toner (if you use one) and before your daily moisturizer. This allows you to lock and increase the benefits of the serum.

    When choosing the perfect serum for you, take into consideration the type of skin you have- oily, acne-prone, dry, etc. Be sure to read the ingredient list and look for products that contain natural ingredients, like Shinso Essence– which contains a unique combination of ingredients is a powerful blend of natural botanicals and Fullerene.

  • Foods for Your Face

    28 Avril 2014

    I’m sure you’ve read before about what foods you should eat to improve your skin, but what about the foods you should put directly on your skin? Whether you’re applying them directly, mixing up your own DIY facial mask or purchasing a product that includes one of the ingredients, here are some examples of foods that you can put on your face to improve your skin.

    • Honey. Mixed with other ingredients such as milk, honey can work as a great moisturizing and smoothing facial mask. Honey is a natural humectant, which helps to minimize the look of fine lines and give you a youthful appearance.  Honeyi s also antibacterial and can help to control breakouts.
    • Avocados. Doing  a simple Google search for avocado face masks will yield thousands of results. Avocados contain tons of healthy fats that work to help your skin when they are consumed as well as applied directly to the skin. Their vitamins and nutrients work to rejuvenate tired skin and improve the elasticity.
    • Eggs. You can use all parts of the egg on your face- both the white and the yolk. The entire egg can moisturize the skin, while using just the white is known to tighten your pores and firm your skin. Apply the egg, let it dry for a bit, and then wipe away and see the benefits.
    • Yogurt.  Dairy products in general have benefits for certain skin issues. The lactic acid in yogurt freshens up your skin and can brighten dark spots and uneven tone. It’s also a moisturizer, which is an added bonus.
    • Olive oil. Oil on the skin can sound counter-productive, but it isn’t true. Olive oil is great for moisturizing your face and can be mixed with sugar or oatmeal to exfoliate dead skin away. When applying directly to the face, try to use extra-virgin olive oil, since it’s generally is less processed.